13 March 2025

13 March 2025 - Sarah McLachlan - Possession

Yeah, it's time. 

I consider this to be her breakthrough song - it was of course a hit in Canada, and also did hit the US Billboard Hot 100 - the first time she had done that.  

Written by McLachlan, the song is inspired by creepy fan letters she received - and many of them are quoted in the song.  One of the "fans" sued McLachlan for using his words and inspiration without his consent - but the case never made it to trial. 

The song worked.  She stopped getting fan letters like that.

Anyway, it is natural that this would be her breakthrough song.  It was full of emotion and was still pretty dark while sounding sunny. 

McLachlan actually made two music videos for this song.  The one above is the one Americans saw on MTV.  The one below is the one Canadians saw on MuchMusic.  I kind of think Americans wouldn't really get the one below - it's biblical and a lot of videos that use biblical references get backlash in the States - so I understand.

If you are one of the lucky people who bought her album Fumbling Towards Ecstacy, you know that this song actually appears TWICE on that album.  A piano version appears as a hidden track. Go ahead - put the CD in.   We'll wait.  

Anyway, this live version is more reminiscent of the 2nd version of the song. 

Wanna feel old?  This song is 32 years old - released in 1993. And yet, here she is in 2024 - when the song was 31 years old.  And, rather than piano, she's playing rhythm guitar.  And it still sounds amazing. 

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