06 July 2012

6 July 2012 - Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby

Yo, VIP.  Let's kick it.

Admit it.  You loved this song in 1991.  It was a monstrous hit.  Everyone loved it.  Even if it clearly ripped off the hook from "Under Pressure".  Even if it was Vanilla's only hit.  Everyone knew every lyric.  Everyone loved it.

Including me.

Oh, wait.  The bassline is not the same.  He said so.

05 July 2012

5 July 2012 - Flo Rida - Whistle

Did you ever have a song that you really, really wanted to hate, but just couldn't?  For me, "Whistle" is that song right now.

I haven't in the past really been a fan of Flo Rida.  (Florida.  His name is Florida.) With this song, he might have won me over.  Anyone who can so seamlessly blend acoustic guitar and hip-hop is A-OK in my book. Plus, it's instructional - it is teaching a new generation how to whistle.  That is what this song is about, right?

04 July 2012

4 July 2012 - X - Fourth of July (Special Guilt-Free Edition)

No guilt here.  Just patriotism.  This is a song - one of my favorite songs by great Los Angeles punk pioneers.  John Doe and Exene Cervenka's harmonies really shine on this song.

03 July 2012

3 July - Justin Bieber - Boyfriend

Forget for a minute that this is Justin Bieber. Forget the fact that he's borrowing Vanilla Ice's hair in this video.  Forget that he looks so squeeky-clean and out of place with these ladies.  Forget that he's Mr. Selena Gomez.  Don't forget that it is he who brought us Carly Rae Jepsen.

This song is sparse and catchy and kind of hot.  Even if you don't have the Bieber Fever, you can enjoy this new summer classic.  I mean, he's trying to replicate Justin Timberlake's career here, but this song is actually almost completely listenable.

02 July 2012

2 July 2012 - Cliff Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore

Cliff Richard was England's answer to Elvis.  Sort of.  He was a huge hitmaker in the UK - one of the biggest of all time. He charted in every decade from the 1950's through at least 2009 in Europe.  In the US, he hasn't had quite as much success, although he had top 40 hits in the 60's, 70's, and 80's here.

This hit from 1979 was far and away his biggest, hitting #7 in the US and #1 in most of the rest of the world. And I find myself humming it on a nearly weekly basis.

30 June 2012

29 June 2012 - Nikka Costa - Like A Feather

I caught this video once on MTV2, many years ago.  I was intrigued.  And then, for years, I could not remember the artist.  I did remember the outstanding bassline hook - one of the best I've ever heard - and the huge, huge voice.  And the clapping!  It was one of my favorite pop songs of all time.

Fast forward a couple of years.  "Desperate Housewives" was on the air and using a song called "Everybody Got Their Something" in their advertising.  I didn't know who performed it, but I knew some of the lyrics, of course. I went looking for that song to download and found the whole album of the same name.

Guess what was track 1?

I never forgot again.

28 June 2012

28 June 2012 - Kellie Pickler - Best Days of Your Life

Yeah, I know, it's supposed to be 80s Thursday, but we'll have to blow that off for a week as today is the birthday of one of my favorite country singers - Kellie Pickler. So let's celebrate with this fine pop country tune she co-wrote and performed with Taylor Swift.

And when you're done watching this one, keep the birthday party rolling at Your Forgotten Favorite as I have more Kellie Pickler goodness going on over there.