I knew it was a possibility that Flower Face would come out with new music soon, and starting in late February, she started teasing a new video and a new song. There are very few posts I would not have immeduately bumped in favor of a brand spanking new Flower Face single. Maybe not The Beaches, but anyone else.
I gave up waiting early and put up another of her songs for Maple Leaf March.
Well, she would release it just after March was done. April 4th, 9pm Eastern time. As I am writing this post, the song has been out for less than an hour, and now I'm rescheduling my Friday post to get this out, quickly. I just moved it to next week, so no big deal.
Seriously, she was very public on social media when she was recording her new album, and now a single is out. It still is written and performed by Flower Face, and it still features her rich, soft voice. It has a slightly more poppy sound - and her lyrical maturity shows through strong here. I can't wait to hear what comes next.
I suspect this is going to be in my heavy rotation for the next several weeks. I hope you enjoy it.