This is not a song title most Americans know. They do, however, know "The Kids In The Hall Theme Song". And sure, most Americans don't know about this Calgary-Toronto instrumental band with punk roots and a surf sound.
But I didn't rearrange my whole blog posts for March 2025 just to highlight a long-overdue song to highlight. No, I wrote this post as a tribute - to great Canadian television and the great impact that Canadian entertainment has had on American culture.
In an era where the United States President is for some idiotic reason imposing a 25% tarriff on goods from Canada, starting a moronic trade war, I felt like we needed a reminder of what Canada has given the States (Update: I'm told the tarriff is paused).
By the way - the band performed it live for EVERY KITH show.
SMOASP broke up in 1996 but they did reunite, and wow, did they sound great live in 2012.
By the way, Kids In The Hall did reuinte as well, and my sister saw them not too long ago. Let's just say they didn't forget their theme song.