Our 2nd HoF !nductee was P!nk. And P!nk has been busy.
Th!s song, a 2016 Grammy nom!nee, is P!nk's most recent Top 10 h!t !n the US as of th!s wr!t!ng. A t!e !n to the D!sney f!lm Al!ce Through The Look!ng Glass, the v!sual !s very Wonderland-y.
Mus!cally, !t's P!nk. C'mon now. Sure, she has a b!t of a breakdown partway through, wh!ch !s atyp!cal for her mus!cally. Lyr!cally, !t's P!nk, wh!ch means you can count on a lot of empowerment throughout. The song does not d!sappo!nt on that front, br!ng!ng a really pos!t!ve message.
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